
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Big Trips and Bigger News

So the last few months have been busy and exciting! First off my little sister is officially a New Yorker. She's off doing what she loves. We moved her in last week. I'm so jealous of where she lives. It's a cute little apartment in Greenwich Village. I fell in love with New York and if I ever hit the lotto I will move there.  

Greenwich Village
Oh and did I mention I'm going to be a mom in April? That's right people! I am almost into my fourth month. I'd love to say " Wow! I feel great!" but that would be a flat out lie. If I'm not nauseous I'm tired. Apparently in a few weeks I am supposed to feel like a new person but I'll keep you posted.  Also I have exploded into full on preggo belly. This last week it just popped out. While in New York my step mom asked if I was sure there was just one in there. I told her last time I checked there was. 

At 6 weeks

At 11 weeks (sorry for the quality)
The best thing about being pregnant is seeing the baby at the ultrasounds. We just went yesterday and saw he/she swimming around and flapping its legs and arms. Talk about the cutest thing ever! We are super excited. So spread the word! The coolest kid is going to be born around April fools day.