I can't believe its already been a month since Henry was born. It seems like it was just yesterday that we came home from the hospital. You always hear people say "they grow up so fast". Well now I believe them. He is such a good baby and people constantly tell us how lucky we are. He is seriously the cutest thing around. We can't get enough of him.
In the last week he has started "talking" which is mostly little coo's or yelling noises followed by smiles. Pretty much the cutest thing ever. He has started sleeping more at night and less during the day. His favorite thing to do is fight taking a nap. I love it and by love it I mean hate it. He tolerates tummy time. He eats like a champ and has the gut and double chin to show for it.
I think we are getting settled into our roles as mom and dad. We have accepted the fact that our clothes will now be covered in spit up and think puppy pants are cute. Who would have thought you could get excited about poop faces and farts. The dogs love him and want to constantly lick him. One rule...not in the face.
Video Games with Dad |
Baby wearing like a champ |
We also finally moved into our new house. I will post pictures eventually. Check out our backyard it's pretty amazing.